Sunday, January 6, 2008

Betty's off the wagon!

Not only did yours truly get totally trashed last night, she also --clutch the pearls---had a couple of smokes, as Snark_angel, my sister-in-sin can attest. So feel not bad, Gunga, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak! Snark, I must add, did refrain from the dreaded coffin nails and sat happily chain-chewing yummy nicotine-laced gum!


SnarkAngel said...

And as you well know, my dear, you were NOT the only one of the Granville Girls team who fell off the wagon! While I never included a refrain from alcohol in my New Year's resolutions, I WAS tempted by some evil sisters to step out onto the patio for a smoke, which another friend every-so-helpfully and conveniently gave me. And yes, it was a Marlboro light king. Ick. After I smoked it, I didn't even know why. I had been chewing the gum, after all. At any rate, I am back on the no-smoking wagon today. And thank goodness I had only ONE of those demon ciggies last night! My alcohol consumption, however, made for another of my continuous Edina Monsoon impersonations. And I had to saunter back to Anvil earlier today to find one of my pairs of eyeglasses, which had somehow made it's way to the terrace floor, only to be scratched, bent, and slightly broken. Thank goodness for superglue. Oh well, it was time for an eye exam and a new pair of specs anyway. Note to self: less alcohol, more water, diet coke, or whatever! And to add insult to injury, I stopped at Standees and ordered a gyros with fries. I can only fathom how many fat cells have been added to my already ample GUT! D'Onofrio would be proud . . .

Boston_Betty said...

Yes, Bob told me after I posted that you had broken down and had a butt...not a good night for the New Year's resolutions of the Granville Girls! Maybe it was the sewer gas fumes that abounded!

BTW, the gyros and fries sound de-lish right now!!! :)

SnarkAngel said...

Yes, the gyros and fries were delish . . . at the time . . . but ugh . . . THE DAY AFTER!!!!

val said...

Naughty, naughty!

I have NO idea what gyros are.

SnarkAngel said...

And you don't want to, Val. You really don't want to . . .

val said...

Weirdly, on the same day I wrote that comment, someone else mentioned gyros in the comments of her blog. She's in Greece, and I got the distinct impression that they were those hunks of meat on a vertical spit that kebabs are made from. Thank god I'm a vegetarian.

SnarkAngel said...

You are correct, Val. And I knew you were a vegetarian, thus my response of "you really don't want to know." LOL But here goes: Gyros meat, in the U.S., is generally made from ground and pressed beef and/or lamb, formed into a "cone" shape, that is then placed on a vertical spit and you get to sit and watch the juices flow as the thing turns round and round and round . . . then the cook slices off biiiiiig slices while frying (with some oil) some pita bread on a grill. He puts the meat on the grill, too, for a couple of minutes. Then the meat goes on the pita, with some tomatos and onions on top, and then the sauce, which is white and thick and can add ten pounds to your hips just by lookin' at it. Okay, now ya know. Happy?! Hee.