Thursday, January 3, 2008

Last Chance to Gay Bash in Iowa

I hope the Republicans are destroyed for a generation. I don't know why...

Oh yes I do:

Via Think Progress, Mitt adviser, former Senator Jim Talent, shows the desperation of the Romney campaign to woo conservative Iowans. He attempts to convince the target voter base that his man is no mo' fo' the homos on Hardball tonight:

TALENT: He's always had the same position as to regards to the gay agenda. Look, he wants to know people to know he values gay people as people, okay? But he doesn't want the militant gays to be able to change the cultural institutions of the country. He ran strongly in favor of traditional marriage when he ran for governor.

WTF? This is why I am pro-gun. To get the NRA on my side when they try to take away my pink pistols.

Memo to Chris "Tweety" Matthews, I will start respecting your show when you start laughing these assholes off the air.

Follow the link for the Gay Agenda reposted for your convenience at Pam's House Blend.

And may I remind the jerk that without "The Gay" there would not be any cultural institutions in America.


Boston_Betty said...

Remember, Romney is the asshole who, while running for the Senate in MA in 1994, said he was to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy--his opponent--on the issue of gay rights! Also, while running for governor, gay marriage wasn't even a topic, so I'm pretty sure he never mentioned it. Mittsty Flipney Flopney's objection to gay marriage--and civil unions--seemed to have developed as soon as he got his ass into the governor's chair and began contemplating his run for President, which has always been this doushebag's objective! For whatever reason, he chose Massachusetts as the platform from which to begin his polticial climb!

val said...

My jaw clamps together and my teeth grind when I hear people talking about "granting" gay and lesbian rights. PEOPLE have rights, no matter what their personal feelings and lifestyles. It's only those who want to interfere with the rights of others who should have the brakes put on. Think of any candidates?

SnarkAngel said...

I'll bet the bastard has a "666" birthmark on his scalp. LOL