Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chris Matthews, Retard

Apology or no apology, Chris Matthews is a blithering idiot.

From Media Matters' Jamison Foser

MSNBC's Chris Matthews problem

Think about this for a second: Chris Matthews is holding it against Hillary Clinton that her husband cheated on her. But he doesn't hold it against John McCain and Rudy Giuliani that they cheated on their spouses. Matthews seems to think women are to blame when their husbands have affairs -- and men who cheat on their spouses are blameless.

Read the whole thing.

I may just go and vote Hillary, just to watch Tweety's head explode. But then again, if a pile of shit explodes in a vacuum, is there anything to see?

But at least it would get this cretin off my TeeVee, permanently.


Listig said...

The sad truth is that a large number of people in their heart of hearts- men women and berdache, red and blue state alike- believe that if she weren't such a witch or something which rhymes with it, he would have kept it in his pants.

Its obviously pure bull, its vile, its misogynist & WRONG, but its also ubiquitous.

Most people who believe this don't go about saying it so openly, nor do they have a TV show on which to show off their cretinous attitudes towards women.

SnarkAngel said...

The only thing that will get this dirty prick off the air is for people to get angry enough to boycott the sponsors of his pathetic program . . . otherwise, it will be business as usual and MSNBC will be laughing all the way to the bank because this type of controversy is what it takes for that asshole's ratings to get back to where they were. The masses of asses will buy this shit, even if they KNOW this guy is a media whack job.