Friday, December 28, 2007

SnarkAngel and Gunga Dean Go Shopping

Our first madcap "travel" adventure involved me (Edina Monsoon) driving the two of us to Elgin for a holiday party. First, I almost missed the toll exit, and dear Gunga (Patsy Stone) kept waving me over to the right . . . "no! Go! Further, Eddy! Further! All the way! All the way over!" The two of us, digging for the right change or whatever to pay these bloody tolls was enough to drive us mad. Trying to drive, smoke a ciggie, dig for change, and deal with a failing radio as your windshield gets covered with suburban grime is NOT FUN! Then we return from the party . . . only to exit to another toll station, but "going all the way to the right" proved lethal. We ended up getting on another expressway (the WRONG one). Needless to say, our return to civilization took TWICE as long as it should have. But we did find our way home.

Last weekend, we decided to go shopping at Target Boutique. Here are some of the highlights . . .


val said...

So many great moments to choose from! If this is what you two aspire to, I'm all in favour.

Gunga Dean said...

Ah yes, I remember it well.