Friday, December 7, 2007

Keith!!! Olbermann's the Man!

Olbermann as usual makes my day with his special comment. MSNBC does do something right! But the Yin and Yang is killing me.

"You, Mr. Bush, are a BALD FACED LIAR..."
"You sir, have no business being president!"
AMEN to that!!


SnarkAngel said...

I love it when he gets all riled up and just tells it like it is.

Boston_Betty said...

Thank heavens for Keith Olbermann! Too bad the rest of the press wasn't so honest and principled! Did you see where David Gregory blamed the liberal blogs for the ill will in America these days? Good God, of course nothing raving sons of bitches like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or Michael Wiener Savage had anything to do with it, right? Amazing how a young reporter with promise like Gregory was so easily bought out by a couple of black tie dinners at the White House, a few shrimp cocktails and probably a handjob from Karl Rove offstage the night of the White house Press Corp dinner!

SnarkAngel said...

Betty, my dear, you have such a lovely way of placing the most vivid, vile, disgusting, disturbing, over-the-top images in my brain . . . besides, I'll bet it was more than a handjob. Slurp!!!!

val said...

Thank goodness someone is telling it like it is. It's to our shame that we are still Bush's poodles in the UK.