Saturday, December 15, 2007

Brit: "God may me do it"

Val, Here's a little dig. Guess you got 'em, too!

A bizarre row about evolution versus creationism led to an English backpacker fatally stabbing a Scottish backpacker during a fruit-picking trip to earn money for their travels.

Alexander York, 33, from Essex, was sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail yesterday for the manslaughter of Rudi Boa, 28, a biomedical student from Inverness.
Towards the end of the night, however, they became embroiled in the creationism versus evolution argument, and it escalated into a shouting-match in the pub. Mr Boa and Ms Brown were both adamantly opposed to York's Christian fundamentalist point of view.


Boston_Betty said...

Good grief, I know people kill one another over some stupid shit--though I nearly sent a man to the hospital once, and rightfully so, for saying that Rob Maricano was probably 'hung like a wild field mouse'--but to actually kill another person because they don't believe your giant 'sky fairy' created the Earth only 5000 years ago and did the deed in six days! He should have gotten a stiffer jail sentence and an additional 50 years just for being a complete twat! I hope after arriving at the British version of Sing-Sing a few of the most vile inmates there reduce his arse to little more than the likes of smashed rhubarb pie..IN LESS THAN SIX DAYS, TOO, I MIGHT ADD! (apologies in advance for the bawdy visual!)

cathy said...

That's why you shouldn't discuss religion or politics in the pub!

val said...

Yes, Cathy, best to stick to the weather.

I had NO idea about this one, slipped right by me.

Most people I ever discuss religion with seem indifferent to it, and if they have a view, it's a bit like mine - if there's a god, he can't be all-powerful, all knowing and benign, or he wouldn't have created a world where there's so much suffering (for which read "natural disaster"). He can't pass the buck to humans if he created us, 'cos the way we are is HOW he created us, so one way or another it's his responsibility.

Well, that's how I feel.

SnarkAngel said...

Mankind's need for "faith-based" beliefs is just additional proof of his inherent weaknesses and shortcomings. Intelligent enough to do serious damage to the planet . . . but stupid enough to believe in man-made explanations of his existance and "life" in general. I am convinced humanity really is the "lowest form of life" on planet Earth. Ultimately, we will be our own undoing. And no, folks, "God" will have had nothing to do with it.

val said...

Sadly, though, we will take so many species with us when we destroy the earth.