Saturday, February 2, 2008

Spanish for Your NANNY!!!

Something EVERY white, upper middle class or well-to-do housewife MUST have . . . a working knowledge of spanish so they are able to communicate "effectively" with the underpaid, illegal workers they LOVE to push around and abuse so they can feel better about their whore-for-hire selves . . .

Besides, who else is going to look after their silver spoon-fed, spoiled, snot-nosed little brats so they have enough time to shop, have lunch, and get their hair and nails done? Welcome to life in places like Wilmette and Winnetka! Where "spanish" isn't JUST for restaurant menus anymore!

1 comment:

val said...

Oh I would LOVE to have taught the French version of that lesson (I used to teach French before I went into special needs).