Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A musical tribute to Castro and Musharref: »»»Zip a dee doo da«««

I found two versions fitting to commemorate Castro's resignation & Musharraf's having actually allowed his party to lose!

Now if we can only get Billy Mays to stop shouting... all will be right with the world!


Bubble gum country


Boston_Betty said...

So sad to watch good dictators go bye, bye...too bad they couldn't take ours with them!

val said...

Britain and the US have such different reactions to these tow men, though. We vilify Castro and praise Musharref as an ally against terrorism. Such double standards.

Boston_Betty said...


I for one have never understood the blatant contradiction and hypocrisy of our treatment of Cuba. If we launched an embargo against Cuba for being an oppressive Communist dictatorship, then why instead of an embargo against China--which is guilty of waaaaaaaaaaaaay more heinous and violent crimes against its people and neighbors than Castro could've ever perpetrated--we give it 'most favored nation status and in turn buy it's poinsonous products! Never look to the U.S. for logic or consistency in American foreign policy, Val. It's like looking for a good game of soccer with a bunch of legless cretins!

Listig said...

Oh, the consistency is... we do as a nation what our politicians need to do to get elected.

But I agree, few Americans outside the Beltway have any respect for M-

I agree, its always troubled me that China- which has tried to exterminate an ancient culture, Tibet's- is given a pass.