Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sippin Bloody's

and I feel great (the touch of hot sauce cleared up my congestion), Shuster and Olbermann on my TeeVee. What more could I need?

Whoever wins the Democratic Presidential Primary, I will wholeheartedly support.

Hoping Mark Pera pulls off a route on that dreck Lipinski. Sent many bucks his way to help him along, though he's out of my district. The corrupt machine needs to be pounded into oblivion.

Hoping Deratany routes Berrios so Boston Betty elates and SnarkAngel gets his dreamdate.

Hoping Suzanne Elder tops Heather Steans so Broken Heart of Rogers Park gets his wings.

Hoping turnouts are 2 to 1 Dem to Retard. This is something I can watch. Just read that in Shelby County AL that twice voted Bush 80:20, Ballots are goin out 55% Retard, 35% Democrat. This is progress for the most Republican county in the most Republican state, Alabama.

I probably shouldn't post any more, getting weepy and giddy.


Listig said...

Girlfriend, girlfriend... tsk tsk, *grin* *hug*... some of us hold our noses and vote GOP with fond if distant memories of the time when the 700 club crowd weren't the tail which wagged the elephant, and the hopes that it might again be so.

Besides... as I'm about to post on... if voting in the GOP primary for McCain gets the goats of Dobson and Limbaugh, what could be better? ;>

Listig said...

The funny thing is... when I went to vote, they were so stunned I asked for a GOP ballot, they almost handed me a Dem one. (And I wasn't even gothed/vamped up... been feeling under the weather myself, so don't trust myself with platform boots or eye liner when I'm feeling this crappy.)

Good thing they got it right... someone from the A.G. office came in while I was there to make sure everything was kosher.

SnarkAngel said...

I, too, cast the retard . . . uh . . . er . . . I mean . . . Republican . . . ballot. LOL. McCain. McCain. McCain. Over the Mittster. Granted, I missed out on being able to vote for some of the Dems I liked (like Deratany ... and NOOOOOO ... NOT JUST BECAUSE HE'S HOTTTTTTT ... and could pass for D'Onofrio's younger brother), but the last thing I could stand would be Mittster Shitster flip-flopping his way about the oval office yelling stupid shit at his pathetic staff ... like "WHOOOOO LET THE DOGGGGGGGGGGGS OUT!?!?!?" So go to it, Johnnie! If a Repub gets the big, old white house, it should be you. Even at 72. Besides, I wouldn't mind hearing the president use real, down-to-earth phrases like "fucking bastard" and other fun stuff like that ... that man does have a mouth on him. Just like my mama!

Listig said...

Yep, that's another thing to love about McCain... his appreciation for the fine Anglo-Saxon monosyllables.