Friday, May 23, 2008

McBush & God

Seems to me like the panderin' McCain has picked himself a peck of pickled pastors...


Listig said...

I thought McC was pretty daft for accepting his endorsement in the first place. 10 minutes watching the 700 club (the most allowed under the Geneva convention) and you know what hateful bigots populate that fringe of Christianity.

Just Catie said...

But without the hate bigots on the fringe far right, who would make us laugh so hard we pee our pants a bit? They are good for that you know...........well, that and target practice.......LOL

Boston_Betty said...

Just for once I wish we could have a fucking election where the competence of the candidate is not judged by which ginat sky fairy he/she worships and which crackpot holy man they take advice from! Europe seems to have evolved to that point, why the hell can't we?

Listig said...

JC- I know, I know, it is fun yanking their chain, too. Almost too easy though... like tormenting a kitten.

BB- Europe also doesn't judge a candidate so much by who he has sex with, or which fetishes she's into. Mind you, I'm not advocating infidelity, but sexual performance and preference have no bearing on one's competence as a statesman. Its really as irrelevant as can be.