Friday, May 23, 2008

Dear Barack:

Please do not put this woman on your ticket.

She is batshit insane.

Thank you.


Listig said...

If its a sin, then it too was washed away by the blood of Christ too, but I must say... as someone who got Clinton Fatigue in oh... say... 1992, its fun to see so many Dems finally coming around on the matter! **wink****grin**

Just Catie said...

I just can't get over the image of Bill wandering the halls of either the big house or the VP digs muttering under his breath....oh yeah, and she is batshit crazy AND evil to boot. That she looks and dresses like a dike.....didn't even enter my mind.

Listig said...

Well put Catie. I've posted in support of her when people have gotten too buggered up over how she dresses, her 'do, etc. Who gives a rat's? The question is... do you want her finger on the button, and Bill back running amok in the White House?