Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pelosi's Speech

After consulting with my experts, Frank and Gary the bartenders (bartenders make the best economists, trust me, they're the first to know), I now believe that Nancy Pelosi was way out of line. It was too partisan at a critical time.

After all, this was a Republican bill, initially drafted by a Republican administration, bailing out, initially, Republican Wall Street Fat Cats, from the Republican clusterfuck they created, enabled by Republican laissez-faire deregulation policies, programs and legislation.

So the Republicans might be a tad sensitive to the notion that for the good of the country, they would have to hoist the $700,000,000,000.00 (+) tab on the Average Joe taxpayers. However, without this bill, we are all now so screwed, so it was not the time for the Democrats to tweak the frazzled nerves of their twittering Republican compatriots across the aisle.

Even the President Bush gave a 3 minute speech to help sway the masses to support his bill, and Li'l Johnny McCain "suspended" his campaign to ride in on his white horse, storm the White House gate and twist some arms show some bipartisanship. I know this is true, he said so on my TeeVee. He gathered up the leaders in that White House Conference room for some bipartisan mavericky "straight talk" and said...


So shame on you Nancy, you heartless "San Francisco" liberal. How could you be so mean, picking at their last GOP nerve like that. Hey America! Call your Republican Congressmen. They need a hug today.

However, Barney Frank, you go!

OMG! This must be serious! Prez Bush gave another 3 minute speech!


Boston_Betty said...

Let me guess...Gary was complaining about Pelosi's speech being too 'partisan!', right! The Repugs are such fucking cry babies! Remember how Newt Ginrich wanted to close down the government because Clinton made the fat, whiney bitch sit in the back of Air Force One?

So, how dare Pelosi call out the GOP for the past 20 years of their constant attackes on regulation and the New Deal set up by FDR...the very same safety nets that got us out of the last big mess created by rich cockwads on Wall St! My God, what chutzpah! How dare she tell the truth...especially in an environment where the last thing anyone--especially the GOP--wants to think about is accountability!

Actually, I fault Pelosi and Obama for not making more of the fact that despite this so-called crisis, the only thing that seemed to matter to Paulsen, Bush and the GOP was to pass this bill without any oversight into executives' golden parachutes! "Now is not the time to be punitive," moaned the Commander-in-Chimp! No, there's never a time, it seems, to hold BushCo. accoutnable for anything, is it? We still, however, hear about the evil blow-job that Bill Clinton got over ten years ago...yes, as I look at my dwindling 401, I am simply more outraged because some guy got his knob-slobbered on! That's why I go postal whenever I walk into Touche's! ;)

I'll go take my pills now.

Boston_Betty said...

Oh yes...and speaking of Gingrich, that unelected fat fuck was behind the scenes of this mess too, urging Repugs to vote no, thinking the vote would pass anyway, and Dems would take the heat when the bill turned disasterous! I guess Newt's looking to run in 2012...apparently he's betting Obama's got this one sewn up. Look it up!

Gunga Dean said...

It was more Frank that Gary!

Boston_Betty said...

Hmmmmmmmm...that's surprising.

SnarkAngel said...

Can't add a thing ... Betty, you said it all!

val said...

Well, thanks to this fuck-up, my bank - which was subject to an emergency takeover to rescue it from a share price crash caused by short sellers - will now have to renegotiate the takeover 'cos their share price plummeted again.

The sick thing is, it's a bloody strong bank.

SnarkAngel said...

"Strong bank," Val? No longer any such beast, I'm afraid.