Friday, August 29, 2008

Watching MSNBC Now - Peggy Noonan?

Clutch the pearls, what a water carrier!

What sleepazoid narcotic was she on last night. She going on and on how tepid and insignificant the Obama speech was.

I'll blame it on drugs, 'cos I'm not convinced she's a idiot. Maybe the Bush years numbed/dumbed her brain cells into hackdom.

For chrissakes, even "Pitchfork" Pat Buchanan was absolutely effusive in his praise of the speech last night:

On the other hand, I like numb, clueless, delusional Republicans. They'll never see it coming. I'm hearing some voices on "The Krazy Korner" thought the speech was mean. After Swiftboating, purple heart band aids, gay-baiting, slandereous misquotes about inventing the internet, and other Rovian tactics they cry "Meanie!"? Poor babies. Eat it! And then see if your awesome Bush-leagued health care plans cover self-induced eatin' crow related ailments.

And Krazy K-Lo at KK (who still gets moist (as in dewey eyed, you perverts) for Littly Ricky Santorum and Mittens Romney)wonders why nobody is talking about Charlie Crist as the Repub VP.

What an idiot. 'Cos his beard isn't working and you and your party have kinda demonized what that means.


SnarkAngel said...

Patty-boy actually delivered an "honest" response. Probably because he knew that any analysis that negatively criticized the speech would look pathetic and ridiculous, even to the masses of asses.

Just Catie said...

Wow, the man was exhibiting a man boner for Obama...and gushing like a prom date.

Maybe Gustov is meant to keep the Repubs from embarrassing themselves further and wasting any more time in the election.