Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dear Sen. Obama:

Do not take Sam Nunn as your running mate. He is a bigot.

Via Balloon-Juice:
Senator Sam Nunn removed two aides a decade ago for being gay, and gay rights groups are now contending that his action disqualifies him from a post in a Clinton Administration.

Mr. Nunn, the Georgia Democrat who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has confirmed that he asked the two aides to leave because of their homosexuality.

He testified in favor of DADT "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
He supported DOMA "Defense of Marriage Act"
He fired aides for being gay.


Thank You!

A Gay Supporter

1 comment:

Just Catie said...

Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you their true self the first time, believe them because a leopard never changes its' spots."