Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Nicholle Wallace in the White House?

This explains a lot:

The candidate who seems to be adopting (Karl Rove's) his style and methods the most so far? Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At least that's what Nicolle Wallace thinks. The former Bush White House communications director, who worked closely with Rove, said that Clinton "has almost operationalized the whole idea of turning your weakness into strength, message discipline that is almost pathological -- she does not get off message for any reason -- and never skipping an opportunity to exploit her opponent's weaknesses.

She pops up everywhere, doesn't she. Where Nicole goes, really bad things tend to happen.


SnarkAngel said...

So does this mean we're going to see a new evildoer on Criminal Intent by the name of Patti Doyle? Heh-heh. More like a villian (possibly serial killer?) by the name of Krazy Karl Rove.

val said...

What are the odds? This will be a great problem for those who cannot bear any mention of She Who Must Not Be Named.

ann said...


val said...

SnarkAngel, I just moderated your commented on my latest blog post, but I think you may have missed the new Bobby one underneath it. I think you'll like it...