Friday, August 31, 2007

And Since It's Friday...

Anybody resign from President Bush's Dream Team this week?

Arrivederci! Abu Gonzo. Be seein' you in 'court' for Contempt of Congress, little man.

Auf Weidersehen! Ol' Smelly Turdblossum. Weidersehen? NICHTS!!! Mögen wir dich nie überhaupt wieder sehen!

Au Revoir! Tony Snowjob. I think you were the nicest of the lot, but your job did not change much from your previous employment, did it. No wonder the paycut hurt.

I hear the kegger party's in Crawford.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

And I met a lovely little group of people on the corner of Michigan and Chicago avenues the other day . . . they were explaining their arguments for impeaching co-King Cheney. Unfortunately, we were just getting started when I realized my entire lunch hour had expired . . . I never even got a chance to eat, but then, I'd already lost my appetite anyway.