Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Here's It Is In A Nutshell

Ambassador Joe Wilson countered the Iraq war drumbeat by dismissing the DUBIOUS allegations that Iraq was seeking uranium in Niger.

Cheney and Rove decide Joe Wilson must be destroyed and orders the stormtroopers to put the word out about that Wilson's wife was the covert agent (whether true or false, it is irrelevant) who sent Wilson on his fact finding mission to Niger.

Ambassador Wilson was correct one to go to Niger. This region of Africa was his area of expertise. And Plame's job was tracking the proliferation of weapons, especially nuclear, weapons of mass destruction. Valerie Plame's job was protecting the United States of America. Valerie Plame was and is a patriot.

Libby and Armitage dutifully released her identity to the press destroying her career at he CIA and her cover. This probably destroyed all contacts made by Plame throughout her career. Many of these contacts are probably now prematurely dead or imprisoned.

And the compliant and complicit press, with the old crypt keeper himself, Robert Novak serving as stenographer, dutifully reveals her identity, outing her as a covert CIA agent.

This disclosure to the press is treason. Treason committed because they didn't like the message beating contra to their Iraqi war drums. Treason committed for crass political expediency. Treason committed to crush dissent.

Libby fell on his sword by lying to a grand jury investigating the matter, committing perjury to protect his "betters(?)", and feloniously avoided revealing the truly treasonous source who ordered this disclosure.

A Republican attorney appointed by this administration prosecuted this case. A Republican judge appointed by this administration oversaw the trial where the jury found him guilty and decided the original sentence. More Republican judges appointed by the this administration reviewed the sentence and trial and found its renderings just, the evidence "overwhelming", the likelihood of it being overturned remote and ordered Libby to jail pending his appeals.

The commutation of the sentence removes any remaining leverage to get to the bottom of the original crime. Without the threat of jail time, what motivation does Libby have to "refresh" his memory. Republican pockets are deep so Libby's fines and court costs are paid and he may now retire to a life of gilded leisure. This is the presidential obstruction of justice by effect if not by statute.

"Law and Order" Republicans made all this happen.

This rank, corrupt, vindictive, utterly irresponsible and reprehensible administration now gets a pass on the most heinous of crimes, TREASON.

Paris Hilton, doobie puffsters, alley pissers, and other minor felons all serve more time than any of these perjuring, pompous, laws-are-for-the-little-people, sanctimonious and hypocritical assholes.

ITMF'sNA!! All of them!

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