Monday, June 18, 2007

And on the Other Side

Markos had a good breakdown of whats right and wrong with the Democratic front runners:

Shorter Kos:

Clinton: Admit the war vote was wrong and move on. And stop being a Clinton.
Me? I suspect she'll again throw the gays under the bus just like her other half did.

Edwards: What kind of cheap ass idiot already slandered by the right as being a rich, out of touch, pretty boy, gets a $400.00 haircut on the campaign contributors' dime when that kind of expense has to be disclosed, reported and then made available for further ridicule.
Me? Didn't know it was paid for with campaign dollars. I want my 25 bucks back that I donated after the Coulter smear!

Obama: Give us something, anything of substance. Stop being so over-consulted and over-cautious. Stand for something! Case in point; the showdown with Hillary at the Iraq supplemental fight as to who could vote last and least noticed. (Thankfully you both voted against this bill).
Me? Guess what. We are all pissed at those who voted for this 2nd bill so you both lost a friggin' opportunity to break out by voting loudly and proudly first against this piece of crap. And stop the slimy shit your campaign has been pulling of late.

Richardson: Get your act together and act presidential!

Read the whole thing.

Anyway. I'll support any of one of them. None of these are fatal flaws. BUT LEAD, GODDAMMIT!!!

And it sure beats the shit out the Car full of Circus Clowns running on the other side.

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