Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Tragedy


Many people are sounding off pro and con gun control. I don't think it would have made a difference.

With the hodgepodge of gun control laws thus far accumulated, any reform would take generations to get the guns off the street.

With concealed carry laws, yes, this might have been averted; but we would then be plagued with death by a thousand cuts as one or two on-campus murders a day might begin plaguing the nation. Turning our campus's into the post-pubescent Wild Wild West is probably not the best option.

I think the real issue is the deplorable state of of our mental health system. Even had the right people pre-identified the perp as a nutcase, a ticking timebomb...

How the hell could we, would we, should we, get him off the street.

Aw, Screw it! Let's all pack heat! Survival of the fittest, Baby! Darwin will then rule the day.

P.S. If people's packing, wouldn't it be fun to see these inbred mouthbreathers doin' a "Western Jig"?

BTW. I mean the link (to WBC)....

not the nuns

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