Thursday, September 24, 2009

Once in a Lifetime - Me & Therapy - Garland

One goes through 20 years of not connecting, existing, but not quite living, and then something happens, something good, and everything changes...
For me?
For 8 fantastically good years...
and then it is gone

I am missing Kerry - This expresses it...

'cos the moment passes...

My version is past tense...
'cos I am back to not quite living...

But, I think...

Just once in our lifetimes
When Fate took our hands...
Just once in our lifetimes
We felt like the giants...
We soared like the eagles
As though we had wings

This was our moment
Our destiny called us...
and though it may have been
Just once in our lifetimes

We really did great things!!!


SnarkAngel said...

My dear, you had 8 wonderful years ... and that is more than many here on this earth are blessed to receive. I think you're beginning to understand that. I had 3 wonderful years with my dear, departed Erice. I still think of him often. I still miss him. That will never change. I consider myself fortunate to have had the 3 years, as meager as they seem from time to time ...

Just Catie said...

I have not any anyone in my life who loved me like that. I have only fallen in love with someone but never been loved back. Hell, even my cat barely tolerates me. Be glad you had it, but I feel your pain for missing it. I saw the kind of love you had and fear that I will never experience it.