Friday, February 8, 2008

Goodbye, Mittens Romney...


SnarkAngel said...

OMFG!!! These are too funny! Did those "Francine Fishpaw" cocktails inspire you, Betty? I see you posted in the wee small hours. LOL. I could barely pull my tired a** out of bed at 8:30 this morning.

Boston_Betty said...

Yes, I ran back to the house after leaving you and Ms. Fishpaw and posted these. As I mentioned, I did not create these, but hopeully I'll get better enough in Photoshop where I can.

Oh the drama last night, eh? Thank you and Francine too, by the way, for the support against he-who-must-not-be-named.

SnarkAngel said...

"He-who-must-not-be-named" = "He-who-must-be-barred-even-from-a-shithole-dive-bar"

Boston_Betty said...

Honestly, you'd think by now he would've asked himself, "Why do people think I'm such a dousche? Golly, maybe I really AM a dousche and should change my very doushey, doushey ways before even the postman stops coming to my door!"