Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A bit of fun- WTF is this? / guerrilla environmentalism

When I've not been studying for class or injecting medicines into Tess' major muscle masses / holding her as she flails in pain, I've been busily saving the environment one t-shirt or ratty pair of jeans at a time. Its amazing how much clothing people throw out, and I'm only getting a small part of it (I've met my fellow guerrilla environmentalists... sometimes we work together to divvy up the diggings) from a couple of blocks radius.

I came across this today. Lets have some fun... see if
1) You can identify it
2) You can make up a good story for it if you can't.

(I do know what it is based on surrounding "archaeological evidence.")

Next, I also came across the shoe below. (I didn't go digging for its soul-mate... ooh, ow... sorry... just too easy... ) because the location wasn't one I'd venture into without a hazmat suit... this was sitting on top of a lid.

Anyone want to make a wager as to whether I'll figure out how to use it in a rug?

I will you know... both of them!


SnarkAngel said...

What the hell do you do? Go out walking the dogs with a pair of rubber gloves and a plastic bag in your pocket? I hope you have plenty of Lysol spray at home! LOL. That poor boot. A broken heel. Now that yellow thing . . . I have no idea . . . but I think it scares me . . .

Listig said...

Snark- yes, you got it. The first thing I do with everything is saturate it with lysol. But I don't generally go deep digging- I look for recent move-ins/move-outs who have dumped a mass of clothes on the top of the bin, or even in a box beside the bin as is often the case.

Others I've encountered actually do the "diving" part of dumpster diving... I more do the "skimming."

SnarkAngel said...

See . . . I ALWAYS KNEW you were a "selective" shopper! Haven't checked with anyone else yet, but I plan on getting to Gino's around 7 or 7:30 tonight.

Boston_Betty said...

That yellow thing looks like a pair of kid's drawers, or something. I hope you left that sitting where it was.


SnarkAngel said...

It can't be drawers. The holes are in the wrong place! LOL

Listig said...

Snark- too right. If I have to clean it, I don't touch it. I lysol everything as part of "standard precautions" but...

Betty- I should have put a rule up along side it, but from "hole" to "hole" it is about 18", so I don't know what kind of kid would wear those, heheh.