Saturday, December 15, 2007

Somebody Bigger Than Us

has been reading PAN:

Imagine my surprise when I pop in to one of my favorite sites and see this posited:

"Huckabee Schmuckabee"

Of course, I beat Michael D by 2 days here.

And I cannot flatter myself to think I am the only one who came up with this term.

Me thinks Balloon-Juice has a few more readers than our humble site and they have all they can handle monitoring their vigorous comments section much less searching the web for our dear Pabulum. But I can dream, can't I?

BTW Go over to B-J's and read this John Cole post on Huckabee Panic. Sez somewhere in the bible "You reap what you sow". Or something. Friggin' Theocrats!


We come up 17th and 21st out of 1350 on a Google search of Huckabee Schmuckabee!


val said...

How did so many Americans get so stupid over religion when it's supposed to be a secular state? The UK is officially a Christian country, yet religion plays absolutely no part in most people's lives, consiousness, and certainly not in our politics.

Gunga Dean said...

And that my friend, is why I love Britain. Your QE1 did the right thing halting the excesses of the Reformation (and Inquisition) at her shores. Did I ever mention I am a huge fan of your good Queen Bess the 1st?

Of course, Ollie Cromwell did come around, and ban Christmas, for chrissakes, and pretty much sour your folk on organized religion and theocracy. Talk about your war on Christmas, leave it to the Puritans...

Dug him out of Westminster Abbey to pop his shrivelled head on a spike on London Bridge, they did.

Maybe we need that here, to truly get the message across how dreadfully awful theocracy would truly be.

I have a few Christianista heads in mind, here, that I'd like to see impaled on spikes. Perhaps as a crown on the Deist Washington Monument.

SnarkAngel said...

Yes, Gunga. And we should definitely start with the ones who are still alive . . .

Gunga Dean said...


Indeed, and while they're still alive!