Friday, January 18, 2008

We Do Have Something Special For You My Friends...

Is it an actress singing or a singer acting...

Circa 1966:

Dressed as an ostrich
As, alas, we all used to...
But underneath the feathers a fantastic songstress...

How can I live through another day..

Now I am numb
I've become unreal
Only my last

Here come the stars

Tumbling around me...
And on a Como Show!

And JG triumphant reinterpreting Fred Astaire:
circa 1965

I'll go my way by myself
This is the end of romance...

And then there is the Shirley Bassey:

In a very ta ta decolatage.

And yes, Jaeggers with Snarkangel always bring this out of me....


SnarkAngel said...

But I was NOT POURING NOR PURCHASING the Jaegermeister. LOL. Can't blame this one on me, Toots!

val said...

The Welsh Wonder. As good as ever she was. Loved her last release (help me with the title, I lost my last brain synapse).