Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vitter Epilogue

I do not give a shit what people do with their sex lives. If you stay out of mine, I will stay out of yours.

I would have no comment or opinion, and would be personally offended on your behalf, if you lived by the same rules.

Heck, I even think prostitution should be legal, if regulated.

However, if your mouth and your laws keep invading my private space and my civil rights based on your supposedly superior sense of morality, I fully expect for the full court press to come down on your pathetic ass when your house of cards comes tumbling down.

I'll shut up now.

1 comment:

delicious on toast said...

The concern other's put on the sex lives of their fellow man proves not that they are "moral", instead perverse.
If they don't like it...if it's so wrong and depraved what others do behind closed doors...how can they spend so much time obsessing about it? Why dirty their pure and morally superior minds with such images?

I tend to believe that those with such a hard-on, literally, for people who step outside their (non-exsistant) sexual "norm" are really those with the most skeletons in the closet (or head). It would do these types alot of good to look beyond missonary and invest time in their own sexual lives. They would be not only happier, but more productive. :)
Unfortunately, these people live based on the party line preached to them by people claiming to be seated at the right of God. That or their parents. Or both. Isn't there something in the Bible about worshiping false God's? So, if we are supposed to go by what the Bible says...we listen to him and his word. Not some watered down verison, twisted to fit in a square space when it's a circle.
And I know there is that whole thing about being "created in his image". And God doesn't make mistakes, right? Atleast thats the way I always looked at it.
I am all for personal interpetation about what the Bible says (e.g. lessons as opposed to rules), but twisting it to fit an agenda goes against every "lesson" I ever learned.
We can't change these types or the way they feel, it's not our job to. All we can really do is "take the high road", because seriously...it's the RIGHT thing to do. Let these dimbulbs continue on with their vanilla lives and vanilla sex. Let them judge and finger point and summon the hellfire to consume such sinners. If living the way I want, not hurting anyone or imposing my life choices on anyone else, means a one-way ticket to hell...I'll climb in the handbasket no questions asked.