Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Does Cheney Intend To Hire Libby Back?

This was asked of Tony Snowjob today.

Why not?

While they're at it, hire in Oliver North, Chuck Colson, Duke Cunningham, Tom Delay, Ted Stevens, Jack Abramoff, John Doolittle, OReilly, Beck, Hannity, Malkin, Limbaugh, and Drudge ET AL AD NAUSEAM into the Cabinet.

At least we would know where they all are and could limit the number of cookie jars being raided.

And replace Dana Perino with the Coultergeist; the 49% of America who put these people,in power, again, need to hear her puke out her venom until their ears curdle and their eyes crust shut.

And take Holy Joe Lieberman and William Jefferson too, 'cos we don't want them!

But hide the constitution from their shredders. It's a quaint little document and we may like to adher to it again some day.

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