Saturday, October 2, 2010

Finishing the Hat

Since I am taking almost everybody I know to "Sunday" on Sunday let's have a little "Finishing the Hat".

This is probably the most sublime song from the show...
By Neil Patrick Harris, who continues to impress me.


val said...

Have a good time.

SnarkAngel said...

We will!

Gunga Dean said...

Well, we tried, but the theatre was buglarized the night before of their most expensive musical instrument required for the show. the show could not go on.

The probably stole the Chromolume #7.

We are now rescheduled for 10/23

SnarkAngel said...

Nevertheless, we had a great time at your place. Catie's stew was, obviously, the big hit of the evening! Nice to have a live-in cook, hey? Looking forward to Sunday! XOXO