Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I would first like to apologize to Dean for bumping his post from the top spot, but I found I had things to say and needed a place to say it. This will be a regular post whenever I find myself screaming REALLY?? My first post has to do with the ignorant masses who ride public transportation and insist we listen to whatever crap they listen to and happen to call music. Really?? You have no clue that other people are being forced to listen to your crap when you crank it up? My sons say that if I find it to be too loud, I am simply too old. I say you can play whatever you want to play, but no matter how loud you make it, it still sounds like crap. NOTHING is as rude as being forced to listen to techno crap on a Monday morning heading into work at an unholy hour and slightly hung over. REALLY??


val said...

Oh, how I agree. And it's no consolation that one day this will cause then irreparable damage to their hearing. That just means they'll turn the "music" up even higher.

SnarkAngel said...

Love the picture, Catie. Hee.

Right Mike said...

techno sucks ass period
yea music has become so industrialized
and now teenagers eat what there fed
i listen to stuff loud and i like too
but im not gonna listen to it at the the top volume on a bus or a train
especially if im sitting next to some one
oooh and that kid in the picture looks so stoned its not even funny

Just Catie said...

The thing that disturbs me the most if the worst techno blast offenders are NOT kids. They tend to be actual working adults. The kids I would understand and chastise, but it is the supposed adults who cause me to scream REALLY?? As for the kid in the pic, that is my younger son Michael. The picture was a study in black and white for art class taken by a friend who found him sleeping during school. No, I know for a fact he was not stoned.....LOL